A spiritual well is a life-giving reservoir, sustaining and strengthening us in every season. Just as Isaac flourished at the well first dug by Abraham, we, too, draw power from the wells of faith laid before us. But when the enemy sought to stop its flow, Isaac had to rise and reclaim it, knowing that without it, his destiny would wither. His unwavering resolve kept the waters surging, ensuring his purpose remained unshaken and his future secure.

As believers, we must fiercely guard the wells of salvation our Father has entrusted to us. Life’s trials will try to choke them with fear, doubt, and distraction, but praise is the force that keeps them alive. Even in our weakest moments, rejoicing stirs the depths, unlocking strength, breakthrough, and unstoppable victory. A heart that refuses to cease its praise is a well that will never run dry.


Therefore, I draw water with joy and praise from the wells of salvation.