During Ezra’s time, the children of Israel were tasked with rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls and temple. Their enemies, determined to stop them, used every tactic to discourage and frustrate their efforts. Yet, the Israelites pressed on, strengthened by the prophecy in Zechariah 4:6-7: “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord. With faith in God’s promise, they overcame every obstacle and completed their divine assignment.

This story reflects the journey of every believer in Christ. Since your redemption, the enemy has sought to distract, discourage, and derail you. But take courage—the power of God within you is infinitely greater than any force against you. Anchor yourself in His Word, declare His promises over your life, and take bold action in faith. With God on your side, no opposition can prevail, and you will fulfil your destiny, glorifying Him through your victory.


God has started an excellent work in me. He will faithfully complete it.