Abraham, known as the "Father of Faith," earned this title not by scholarly learning but through steadfast belief and action. He exemplified true faith by meeting three key criteria: he heard the word of God, he believed in that word, and he acted on it. When God renamed him from Abram, meaning "Exalted Prince," to Abraham, or "Father of Many Nations," he embraced this new identity, even before seeing its fulfilment. By faith, Abraham claimed what God had promised, setting an example of living in alignment with God’s vision for him.
To walk in faith today, believe that “it is already done.” No matter the situation—whether it's a need for provision, healing, or peace—adopt Abraham’s response of unwavering assurance. Approach each challenge with the conviction that God has already provided for you, that healing is yours, and that peace surrounds you. Faith doesn’t wait to see results; it claims them in advance. So, stay faithful, trust in God’s promises, and believe with confidence that what you need has already been granted.
God calls my situation solved and settled. I believe it, this is my reality.