We are mere clay, moulded by the Master Potter's skilled hands. God, the Architect, carefully crafts each believer, knowing exactly where we fit in the grand design of His Church. He expertly shapes us, refining us through trials and challenges, to prepare us for our unique role in His majestic plan. Our placement in the Body of Christ is crucial, and the process is vital to unlocking our full potential. Though we may not fully comprehend the bigger picture, we can trust that God sees the entirety of His masterpiece.

So, dear leaders and believers, don't grow weary in your service! Your contribution is invaluable, and your role is vital to the unfolding of God's glorious plan. A latter-day glory is on the horizon, a blend of Solomon's wisdom, David's courage, Abraham's faith, the Apostles' zeal, and Jesus' divine love. Don't just hear about it - be a part of it! Stay steadfast on the path of righteousness, and you'll behold the splendour of God's masterpiece, with you as a shining piece. Embrace your place in the Potter's hands and let Him shape you for His glory.


It is raining all around me, I can see it, the latter rain. Ride on Jesus, give us more rain, until we are wet and soaked by the latter rain.