The legacy of Pastor Timothy's family lineage is a testament to the power of godly heritage! When we parents get it right, we bless not only our children but also their children, creating a ripple effect of righteousness that echoes through generations. The impact of our faithfulness is profound, as it significantly reduces the likelihood of our children straying from the faith. We stand on the shoulders of giants - our grandparents and parents - whose labour has contributed to our greatness. Let us honour their legacy by continuing the flow of goodness!

If your family history lacks a legacy of faith, don't despair! You can start anew, creating a fresh flow of blessings for generations to come. Jesus Christ is the Author of legacy, and He desires to bless you and your descendants. He is the Key to unlocking a heritage of righteousness, and He is worth following! As you surrender to Him, He will empower you to leave a lasting impact that will outlive you, inspiring future generations to walk in His ways.


God bless you and keep you. May he cause his face to shine upon you and grant you, his peace. May his favour be upon you and a thousand generations after you.