Routines can sometimes feel mundane, but it's the vision of the benefits they bring that propels us forward. This is especially true for spiritual routines like prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in church activities. We engage in these practices because we've been called to be priests and kings, redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Even when the routine feels endless, like it did for Zacharias, who served faithfully for years without a child, God can turn things around in an instant. And He did, blessing Zacharias with John the Baptist, a forerunner to Jesus Himself!

Don't lose heart in your spiritual routines; God sees your dedication and rewards your cheerful service. Your miracles are on the horizon! You are a king and priest, destined for greatness. The fact that you're reading this devotional is a sign that your day of breakthrough has arrived. Keep pushing forward, even when the routine feels dull. God is working behind the scenes, preparing to unleash His favour and blessings in your life. Stay faithful, stay focused, and get ready to experience the miraculous!


God is still God. He will not fail me. I may not know how, or when but he will do good to me again