Jesus taught us that our inner content is like wine, with old wine representing former ways and new wine symbolizing newer, better ways. Just as fine wine improves with age, our lives can become sweeter and more beautiful over time. This means that our best days are always ahead of us, not behind us. Why retire from our purpose when we can continue to grow, influence, and make a difference? The miracle at Cana shows us that God's latter works are even more glorious than His former ones.

Let's not limit ourselves by thinking we're too old or too young to achieve greatness. The men of faith in the Bible were still expanding their influence and doing mighty works at 85 years old! If God could strengthen them, He can do the same for us. Our potential is not determined by our age, but by our faith. What do you believe today? That you're too old or too young to make a difference? Or that God can use you mightily, regardless of your age? Remember, it's not about your strength, but about His power working through you.


I am what God says I am. I get my definitions and limitations from him.