From the start, trees have symbolized the power of choice. Every decision we make either draws us closer to God's love or distances us from His grace. These choices sink deep roots in our hearts, shaping our journey. The enemy seeks to plant seeds of deceit, cultivating strongholds that separate us from God's truth.

But God promises to uproot every lie, every doubt, and every fear that has taken hold in our hearts. He longs to restore us to His freedom, His victory, and His love. Like the prodigal son, we must return to His embrace, trusting in His grace and mercy. When we abide in His presence, we'll find the courage to face life's challenges with confidence and hope. Let us bask in the joy of His presence, knowing that in Him, we are always victorious, always loved, and always free.


I choose to tabernacle in God’s presence, in words, in songs, in thoughts, and in actions. For is he my rock and sure foundation.