God's gaze is fixed on the heart, the epicentre of our soul. It's the one thing He desires most, the gateway to our deepest longings and truest intentions. Our heart's condition determines our proximity to God and our ability to receive His blessings. It's the hub of our life, regulating the flow of His resources and guidance.

Let us tend to our heart with utmost care, guarding it from the world's corruption and building it up with God's truth. May our heart be the altar where our deepest desires meet God's divine plans, and may we discover the transformative power of a heart fully surrendered to Him. As we prioritize our heart's health, we'll unlock the doors to God's abundance, wisdom, and guidance, and our life will become a testament to His love and grace.


I set my mind and keep it fixed on what is above (the higher things in Christ), not on the things on the earth.