Obedience unlocks divine opportunities! As a follower of Christ, can you be trusted with God's resources to bless others in need? The answers to many prayers in the church are already present, waiting to be released through our obedience. Just as the fish had the gold coin for Jesus' tax, we too have the capacity to meet the needs of our fellow brothers and sisters.

Don't ignore the gentle nudges of the Holy Spirit prompting you to give. Your obedience sets in motion heavenly interventions and angelic movements! Trust that the still, small voice is not the devil's whisper, but God's guidance. Your generosity has the power to provoke miraculous breakthroughs and transform lives. Embrace the privilege of being a vessel for God's blessings and watch Him move mightily in your midst!


God is a giver; I am born of God. I am a giver also.