Psalm 136 stands out as a timeless testament to God's enduring goodness. This sacred passage teaches us to acknowledge and cherish the countless blessings in our lives, no matter how small they may seem. By counting our blessings one by one, we'll be astonished at the Lord's profound impact on our journey. Moreover, this psalm motivates us to draw strength from yesterday's triumphs, encouraging us to persevere through life's challenges.

When faced with adversity, let us pause and reflect on the Lord's unwavering faithfulness. May our personal experiences of His mercy and love empower us to stand firm, refusing to surrender to despair. With hearts filled with gratitude and trust, we can confidently declare: His mercy endures forever! This unshakable truth becomes our anchor, our solace, and our triumph. For we serve a God who is good, faithful, and reliable - a God who has proven Himself in our lives repeatedly.


Thank you, Lord, for where you started with me; thank you for where you have gotten to with me. I am incredibly grateful because of where you are taking me.