Being a believer in Christ is not just a one-time prayer, but a lifelong commitment to obeying God's word. It's the daily choice to follow Him, despite the obstacles and distractions that come our way. The world may throw its worst at us - sickness, poverty, failure, curses, oppression - but our consistent obedience to God's word holds the power to overcome them all.

Don't let the enemy deceive you - consistency is key to unlocking God's promises. The devil may try to distract us from reading our Bibles, practicing what we learn, or praying with our families, but we must stay faithful. Our persistence is our advantage, and with it, we'll see victory upon victory. So, let's stay committed, stay consistent, and watch God's power transform our lives and the world around us.


I’ve got the victory halleluyah! Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to the Lord and Christ in my life.