We are all created by God Almighty and designed to be dependent beings. It's important to remember that we can't live on our own. There are only two agendas on Earth - God's agenda and the devil's agenda - representing light and darkness respectively. As human beings, we exist because we have chosen one of these sides willingly or forcefully.

Even if you have an agenda, it is either sponsored, powered, and proudly supported by the devil or by God Almighty. While it may be hard to accept, this is the truth that we will all eventually realize. If your agenda sounds selfish and personal, it is not of God. Remember, where there is light, there can be no darkness.

Let the link between your spirit, soul, and body be Christ Jesus alone. It should be 100% Jesus and 0% you. The sooner we come to this realization, the better.


Lord, I submit my will, my desires, my plans, my agenda to you. Order my steps in the light of your grander picture for me and my world.